A story about the Order of John of the Mount, the Order of St John of Jerusalem and the Knights Templar by John Harris – Part one
After writing the alternative story about Jesus and suggesting that this lead to the disbanding of the order known as the Templar some 900 years later, I left within that story two stories that I suggested I would write at a later time. This one and one about a family of Templar emanating from Cornwall who accepted the task of passing down the truth of past occurrences and events through the family line and as I suggested that will be a story for another time.
Many stories exist about this poor knight order and of course their resurrection as the order of St John of Jerusalem.... please pardon the pun. No one can quite agree what is the true history regarding them and this is most evident with the amount of books and articles that exist on the net with contradictory stories. Some quite forcefully and falsely claiming their stories are fact based and are a true account of history regarding these two orders .
What I am about to write for you is not a true account of history and nor do I claim it to be. Again, as the Jesus story I previously published, this is nothing more than a story that is novel in its design and in what it suggests and it is down to you the reader to decide if anything that I have written is correct or not. Needless to say please enjoy the story of my version of the history of one of the most powerful Orders known to humanity and their involvement in helping create the insidious world we find ourselves trying to survive in and of course how they well help eradicate that insidious world.
Please enjoy.
Leaving off from the story of Jesus two Templar set out returning to their brothers in a place now known as Dover to one of the many safe houses they had spread across the length and breadth of this island. For many days they rode until they finally arrived in Dover and rested before discussing between themselves how best to use the information they now held.
They knew within the Order they belonged too there was already quite a divide and there were those who were quite happy to do the bidding of the Temple and those who suggested that what was being done, in the name of the Temple, was in fact corrupt and morally wrong and certainly was not the direction the Order should be taking - even though their creation was in fact to protect the ruling classes and their work force the priests, which was created many hundreds of years previously. Many regarded this as their sacred duty and would carry out the orders the temple issued, without hesitation or any form of thought.
Having their eyes opened as they had been the two Templar knew better than to openly discuss what they had seen and heard and resided themselves to waiting for the most apt time to speak out and who to. They knew many already within the Order were more than two faced and would do anything to rise up the ranks of the Order and handing them over for what would be called heresy would help them up the ladder they sought to climb. Better to sit on this, wait patiently for the right time.
Later that week they were about their duties within the stables checking their tackle and making sure their horses were comfortable when one of the two overheard a conversation going on in the stable next door. He called to his brother who was still unaware this was going on and the pair stood quietly listening.
Two brothers were talking and one was explaining to the other about a rumour he had heard about from a Roman soldier regarding an incident that had happened in Lios where it was said that Jesus himself had murdered his own cousin John. The other brother commented by saying he had heard that Jesus’ cousin John was in fact crucified by Roman soldiers and he knew this because one of the brothers he had recently spoken too had told him about this. The other brother replied and suggested he knew different to this because this Roman legionnaire was actually there when it happened and witnessed this with his own eye’s and said two of them (Templar) were also there and they were now being hunted and that a Templar guard were already on their way to Dover to find them as that is where they believe the two brothers have sort refuge.
The other Templar inquired of his of his brother did he mean that the two Templar being sought are here? He replied yes, within these walls.
On hearing this, the two Templar listening looked at each other and decided to make their presence known and walked around the stable and into where their two brothers stood.
They were greeted by their brothers and they explained that they had overheard what had been said and it was in fact true and they were the Templar being sought because of what they witnessed and what they had done.
For about an hour they chatted and the two Templar relayed to their brothers exactly what they had seen and exactly what had happened on that hillside in Lios. They spoke of what they saw Jesus’ do to his own cousin with no detail left out and of how their brothers and Roman legionnaires had massacred over two hundred men, women and children with the biggest majority being women and children cut down where they stood, sat or laid. They both spoke of how horrific it was to witness such a thing and how it would haunt them forever, never being able to forget the screams as they were hacked, stabbed and slashed to death. One expressed it was the cry’s of the children he could not get out of his head and this is not what he signed up for and his three brothers stood with him agreed and it was obvious to them all that such occurrences should never have occurred.
On that day, stood in that stable, four knights of the Templar created the Order of John of the Mount which was later to be named the order of St John of Jerusalem when many hundreds of years later, it became official in the churches eye’s. The four of them stood facing each other in the positions of north, east, south and west, swords stretched before them with the tips of their swords touching and as they did this they swore a solemn oath, a simple promise to one another that the truth of what had happened on that hillside, who perpetrated such acts and why it was done would never be forgotten. That it would be recorded and handed down that Christianity was a lie based upon a lie and that murder and betrayal had been used to reinforce its foundation. They agreed that day that these facts would never be forgotten and all that was to happen from that point would be recorded as well, because as Jesus had, the families and the temple had lied and the account of history set forth from that lie was false and a true account needed to be kept.
They agreed that this would be done, that at least one of them would remember to tell his son or daughter what needed to be told. One brother suggested that it was needed that they be part of everything and amongst everyone to record what truly happens at all key events that would be recorded in history and knew of one thing he needed to show the rest.
They agreed to meet in Lios, upon the mount 4 weeks later, so he could show the rest what he knew of and with this the two fugitive Templar’s left to go to ground and make their way to Lios slowly working on building sites as they did.
Four weeks later they arrived and met with the two Templar from the stable. They acquired a boat and set sail around the coast to arrive at the most southerly point of the mount and landed the boat. The 4 Templar made their way up the hill side to a small outcrop of rocks and the Templar who had brought them their knelt down and placed his arm inside a crag in the rocks and pulled out something rapped in hemp. Inside the hemp, when the many layers were unwrapped was a plain book with no title, nor no author’s name. The three Templar looked puzzled until the book was opened and they started to read and found it was a story by an Egyptian Pharaoh called Akhenaten.
All three Templar read and read on whilst the other Templar sat patiently waiting. When they had finished some hours later all three were stunned and realised why they had been brought there and also realised that the man that had brought them there, was to be the man who would remember, who would pass down.
It was agreed that the book should stay exactly where it is and that the two Templar from the stable would recruit from within the order always staying within in it and the other two would recruit outside it always staying that way.
It was also agreed that the records would not be written down they would be in memory form and transferred that way.
Much was agreed that day and the Order found its foundation and then they separated and set about the task they knew they had to do, to seek until they needed to seek no more.
A little over 900 hundred years later a group of Templar where arrested for heresy, 51 in total. They were accused of denying Jesus, sacrilege and homosexuality; there was truth in all three accusations. For some the knowledge of past events was too much for them as they slipped back into the old ways they were used to. For others they just did what felt natural to them and were persecuted for doing so.
The pope called for the Order to be publicly disbanded and the Templar accused where to be burned at the stake that resembled the letter T.
Sometime previous it had been recognised that a good percentage of the Templar Order were not what they seemed and information had been leaked about the Order of John deliberately. Information was also received regarding the book and the church had no choice but to seek it out. It was not long before they possessed it because the 4 Templar knew that would be the best way of keeping it safe, they knew the church would never destroy it. Even though they knew it could bring about their eradication, the book was priceless and they succumbed to corporate greed amongst other reasons. This was an artifact like no other and was the blue print they had been seeking, not for the historic facts it contained, but for direction it would show and inevitably offering them protection when the truth of what they were and had done became common knowledge. It told them of the one who would offer them amnesty in return for the eradication of the temple (church) in full, it told them what he would be like, his nature and his true purpose and more importantly how to identify him. For he would be of a humble back ground and would be nearly impossible to find until such time he presented himself in the way the book suggested.
This was his code ‘given by god (the church) to take the place of the 12 tribes, reliable/dependable home ruler whom god (the church) remembers and was the code that could be used to identify him, because only he knew how this code was written and it told of how only he carried the mark of the flaming cross.
It was decided that the temple (church) and the families would create a book of their own based upon what Akhenaten’s book explained they should do, this would help reinforce the myth of Jesus Christ which was the foundation of what they had created. Jesus himself could not be located and had not been seen since the incident in Lios, so the priest class masters wrote the book based on what Jesus had wrote down, based on what he had read. This book came to be known as the bible, a book that was as false as those who had wrote it, but was to become revered as the truth and many would accept this blindly without question, but was also an incomplete blue print they would try to complete.
For those who did question they were to be met with similar fates as the 51 Templar, possibly not burning at a stake, but nevertheless a fate that would end this earthly experience abruptly and more often painfully.
The church on behalf of the ruling families had to make an example and this was the example they chose, simply to try to prevent them being taken over from the inside and it was decided that this was the best way. Strike an iron of fear into the fire in a vain attempt to stop the infestation they were suffering.
As planned many of the Order went to ground, whilst others stayed where they were still playing the religious corporate game. The ones who went to ground took all the Templar wealth with them. They had amassed wealth that resulted in the world’s wealth being only one 5th of what they had amassed. They had developed the system of banking and the system of taxation to perfection on behalf the church and were the ones who knew the system better than anyone else. Even the bankers and the accountants who were employed were all controlled by them the members of the Order of John. Still the poor knights came in their droves including dames as well, all handing over all their worldly goods to become part of the Order.
The Order by now was made up of many men and women from across the planet that all knew, no matter what, everything must run its course as hard as it was to watch. No land was free of their influence although their numbers were thought not to be that many. The church and the families realised that the Order of John of the Mount could not be stopped, just as they had been told by Akhenaten’s book, which they chose to ignore believing they could use parts of it without consequence. They were now caught between a rock and a hard place, because even if they did want to stop doing what they were doing they couldn’t, because the Order would not allow them too. The Orders way was to allow everyone to come to see the ways of the church through their own ability of being able to see the church for what it really is. But a time limit had been allotted and everyone would only have that time period before they would have no choice but to recognise the real truth of this insidious institution and what that would eventually lead too.
Many years later the Templar and the Order of John of the Mount were to play extensive parts in the destruction and the deconstruction of the English, Scottish and Welsh monarchies and the island itself. The main influence was upon English monarchies and the destruction and deconstruction of their powers, through a process known as devolution. Albeit, it must be said at this point that the Templar were always acting on orders derived from the Order of John and not from the Papal Bull Templar’s even though they may well have thought they were.
Even though this process was being instigated by the church, it was in reality being orchestrated by the Orders. The church were just doing as they were told to do fearing to do no other under the threat that if they didn’t, the real truth about them would be released.
The Orders influence was at first to aid the creation of established kingdoms upon the island using original tribes and by also creating them. Then they turned to the kings starting with Alfred the great who seemingly was the most powerful at the time of the 6 before him - accordingly. Firstly they influenced the Doom a book of law supposedly written by Alfred, directly copying the book of exodus and even quoting this. Alfred had no part in this; he just took the recognition for it. By using this they created a common law throughout all the separate kingdoms that was recognised. This was the first step in getting the separate kingdoms to agree on something and agreeing on ‘the law’ was a very important achievement, because this law was only for the kings to use against their people and for their own protection. This was the concept of divine rite of kings, a rite to use the laws of the church.
The next 14 kings were just steered by the Order being the closest in council until the Order helped William the conqueror do what he was recorded doing, but to do this many months of bribery took place carried out by the Templar under orders, buying those who were needed to allow the transition to go smoothly - because this was the takeover of all kingdoms not just one and all king’s of those kingdoms. Using the Order of John’s system each kingdom was taken apart from the inside, this only took a matter of months. Monies of all the kingdoms were monopolised to the Order. They bought highly, but they demanded highly using the power of greed to their advantage.
For centuries the Order of John had manipulated the line of kings in all kingdoms to make the monarchy look strong, something the people would never forget. This was preserved in historical records of their exploits and its epitome with William, king of all kingdoms. Albeit, although the strength they showed was for the wrong reasons, the strength was still shown and remembered.
Harold II didn’t seek the same and showed a difference in the concept of kingship, again orchestrated by the Order to re-establish in the memories of the people the ways of a true king. Harold was not for the people, he was of the people and in being so, tried to bring about a kingdom based on equality where the king serviced the people and they didn’t service him, his council or many hangers on, that would progressively get better over time. The Order allowed the church to destroy this by suggesting the months of bribery and of course the conquering by William. Many were bought with the promise of lands it would seem, that were only to be removed from them at a later date when their services were no longer required. Even though what Harold set out to do was destroyed, the memory of it now existed in the memories of the families who lived it and of course it had been recorded by the Order – even though it was only for a matter of months. History was wrote to suggest that Harold and what he tried to do were something quite different and of course that is what the corporate historians maintain and add too, to ever increase the validity of what they are suggesting, that it is in fact a true and accurate account of events and not a pack of lies based on lies.
With the kingdoms of England now all under one king a period of time was allowed for this concept to settle in and the next four kings and a queen, who has been conveniently left out, would set the stage for history to record. Every opportunity was afforded them, as all kings and queens have been offered, but still they decided to set their own model to what kingship was all about and all were doomed to failure.
Henry II was a strong king although he was misguided and had his favorites amongst his sons. The Order realised that the next stage could now be set with the strongest of them sons Richard, who was in fact the weakest in the Orders eyes and ideal to bring in the law of mortmain, a concept in law that bound all land to the king and a concept still very much in play today.
Successive kings and a queen had suffered vast loses of land to the church who were coercing their congregations, upon death, to leave their lands to the god (the church), a concept that worked very well under the Orders directions. Although this was working very well it did meet with its problems and the time span needed for the desired outcome to be achieved was not viable to say the least. A direction was sought that would be viable and Richards brother John was the ideal candidate, once Richard had been removed.
Unlike his brother, John was a kind hearted man and wanted for nothing that his brother desired, but he too carried a burden, that burden was religion, unlike his brothers, which was greed. It was recorded by the historians that his nicknames were lakland and soft sword, because he wanted for no more land and always discouraged against war. He wanted to give back what had been taken and not take any land from anyone and wanted every land to live in peace free of political tyranny. John was just unaware of where that true tyranny came from, but was soon to become aware of the facts and in doing so, would be part of a historical event still talked about now.
John was told by a close friend, a member of the Order, that Stephen Langton was to be set in place as archbishop of Canterbury (the most powerful SEE) and would in fact be the ruler of the kingdom from the shadows and he would be nothing more than his mascot, a place where the finger of blame could be pointed to. After direction John refused this and the pope innocent III excommunicated him for his refusal. To John, trapped by religious beliefs, this was worse than death itself and sort a way to redeem himself in the popes eyes. The Order, via cardinals who were part of the Order, suggested that his best course of action would be a treaty where the king of England handed over his kingdom in its entirety to the church. This treaty was to be named the Treaty of Verona after a man innocent III looked up to who was Constantine the great who had a great victory against Ruricius Pompeianus a great Praetorian prefect after a long siege in ad 312 in a city known as Verona.
Innocent III had besieged John, not literally, but within Johns mind telling him if he did not accept Stephen Langton then he would be attacked by the French. This was just a ploy that worked well, again, after directions were given by the Order to do such. On October 3rd 1213 John succumbed to innocent III demands and in a Templar safe house in Dover, the same one all those years ago that 4 Templar founded the Order of John of the Mount in its stable block, John on bended knee signed the Treaty of Verona and handed over to the pope innocent III, on behalf of the church, the kingdom known as England, its people and its dominions. Stephen Langton (cardinal) became archbishop of Canterbury and John was un-excommunicated and in place was a legal contract (treaty) that enslaved all the peoples of England and the peoples of its dominions (later to become the common wealth) to the Roman Catholic church forever until such time a pope or a king or queen of England undoes the contract.
With the law of mortmain in place by default whatever the king owned, the church now owned and no one could contest this legally, but it was to be contested.
John still had a part to play and that would come about two years later, but for the moment let me direct your attentions to a man called William De Marshall (Templar, Order of John) who witnessed the signing of the treaty in that Dover house and also its ratification in St Paul's cathedral some months later. Please remember this name.
Two years later John was at the forefront again and was being pressured by the pope to deliver more knights, lords and barons for the crusades. Being pressured by Stephen Langton, John was being forced to try and coerce more of the above to go and fight and to raise taxes to meet the ever increasing bill.
After John had achieved exactly what the pope required, most of the knights, lords and barons had left England and were taking part in the crusades and the pope decided to strike while the iron was hot and instructed his bishops to start taking over the lords and barons lands. Albeit they had deceived John, but they had not deceived everyone and those they could not deceive were enticed out of the country by the offer of lands in what was to be called the holy land.
John was presented with a document called Magna Carta by Stephen Langton. A document that offered the archbishops, bishops and those who worked on behalf of the church protection from the knights, lords and barons when they found out who had stolen their lands. John realising what this document meant refused to sign it, even though he was only a mascot the only people who knew this were the church, families and the Order, everyone else saw the king as the highest point of authority, so the kings signature was very much needed. Again John was threatened with excommunication and again he succumbed to the popes wishes being, directed by the Order and he signed the Magna Carta affording the employee’s of the church the protection they needed.
The Order set about informing the knights, lords and barons in Jerusalem what was happening back home and they all left in their droves back to England leaving Jerusalem to fall to Saladin.
On returning the knights, lords and barons started a civil war against John for signing the Magna Carta aided by the Order and Stephen Langton, aided by his bishops, told them that if they would work directly for the church and not the king they would be afforded the same protection, but first they must run John from the country leaving his nine year old son to become king. All agreed and were given back their lands on agreement they now were the church employ and were their servants. John did indeed flee and left his son Henry III to become king, soon after in 1216 John died.
When Henry became king he was but nine years old and it was decided that he would need a regent and one was chosen. The man who got the job was none other than William De Marshall, the same, William that had been present at the signing of the treaty. Templar and Order of John and now lord protector of England, albeit king bar name.
What is not known is the fact that in 1124 Scotland begot a new king by the name of David who was only five, again he received a regent. His regent was a member of the de Molay family, Templar and also Order of John. The Order had controlled the Scottish line from this point and steered the line of Canmore to the line of Balliol for a very specific reason. The Order was to manipulate these two lines needed to end up with one over both kingdoms, the desired outcome sought.
In 1256 Henry III was now conducting the business of the kingdom, because in reality that is exactly what it was a business. Him as the CEO working on behalf of the share holders the church. The Order realised that it was far too obvious to some, who were laying accusations at the church’s door and realised they would have to try and take the blame away from the church. Also it had been suggested that even though the king was legally bound by the treaty of Verona in truth the legality had no foundation and if he knew this, there was nothing to stop him breaking the treaty if he so wished, something he was to be informed of.
In the early part of 1256 Henry was pressured by the church to form an arrangement that would devolve parts of the power he held to an assembly of ministers who would administer the powers on his behalf. Even though the church controlled everything under the watchful eye of the Order, the king was still seen by the people to have great power. This concept had to be broken.
The church presented its requirements that would mean an assembly of ministers and one of lords would claim certain powers the king held in the eye’s of the people, this assembly was to be called Parliament. The reason for this was to give cause for accusations to be laid away from the churches door and also more importantly to prevent Henry breaking the treaty of Verona, or a least to make him believe he couldn’t. Also to give the Parliament power under the kings name and legitimacy in the people's eye's. The Order suggested to Henry that if he allowed parliament to be formed then he would lose the ability to break the strangle hold the church had over him via the treaty and the church rounded up the barons using the Templar to help to create a second civil war.
A siege occurred in Lewis castle where Henry was forced to take refuge and the threat of starvation was looming coupled with the worry over his son Edward I being kidnapped by the the opposing side. All the church required from Henry was a guarantee that Parliament would be formed. The assurity was given and Henry agreed to allow Parliament to be formed in return for his son returned to him and the end of the siege as the people within the walls where dying of starvation.
Henry from that point was a broken man when he learned the truth from the Order that it was in fact his own son who had instigated the civil war against his father, bought for a small price, a concession in fact. He had agreed to be subservient to the pope and the church and had helped and allowed them to destroy his father, so as the church could create a parliament full of their own ministers and lord archbishops 26 in all.
The Order had set out to do what it intended to do and had crushed the monarchy replacing it for their own to give evidence of what they had created, but still only a few realised what had actually been done and by whom on all accounts.
Henry spent his remaining days in the church of St Peter (Westminster abbey) at the tomb of Edward the confessor and helping to rebuild certain parts of the temple as so described on his tomb. Even though Henry was a broken man he knew what had been done to him, he was just blind to who was really behind it.
Edward I went on a political land grabbing rampage across the island in the name of the church to acquire the Welsh and the parts of Scotland not under family control . The Order found Edward the easiest to control and the easiest to coerce even to the point of blaming the Jewish people for their own monopolisation of the countries money. The ratio still remained as the Order were still taking 95% of all monies, depriving the church of assets they desperately needed forcing them through the king to acquisition Parliament to raise taxes to compensate.
The Order, through members placed close to the pope (cardinals), instructed the pope that the best way to eradicate the problem was to allow a formation of a Order by the name of the Order of St John of Jerusalem. In doing so the members could be tempted with lands, position and wealth being as they were poor knights and the Order had suggested their were those of the Order who were dissatisfied with handing over all their worldly possessions. Edward was nearly bankrupt and was forever applying to Parliament for money to carry out the churches wishes under the misguidedness it was his. Parliament conveniently blamed the rise in taxation on this so the king took the blame for what the church were doing, but this still did not compensate for what the Order were taking. The church knew who was doing this, being told by the Order and did as they were told to do being fooled in to creating a new Order that, even if they did realise what was happening, as many did, they had choice but to do so.
The papacy declared that the Order of St John of Jerusalem was now officially founded and recognised. To add to this they then allotted all stolen Templar lands and buildings to the Order in a futile attempt to draw out members of the Order of John. The Order of John now had a section of them recognised and had reclaimed all that had been stolen from the Templar only adding to their ever increasing wealth.
This Order were like no other and they were based upon the principles of the Order of John where, both men and women made up their numbers, something the church detested, but had no power to stop. Many flocked to the new Order and soon its numbers were impressive as it took its place alongside the papal bull Templars seemingly being controlled by the papacy, which was only in fact a pipe dream on their behalf, even though many still had no knowledge of this.
Without even knowing it the church, the worlds money supply and control of the world and what went on regarding kings, governments and religions was all being controlled by the Order of John. They had infiltrated every position needed and held them. They held to a true monarch of their creation that they would create at a later date and still the Templar family in Cornwall recorded all events and passed down such. They had done the unbelievable, completely within plausible means and now controlled the world – and the only one's who knew, apart from them, couldn't tell.
1381 arrived and with a protest that was to go down in history as Richard II tried to maintain order within the kingdom, ever struggling with the churches demands for the conquest of foreign lands. His predecessors had raised taxes through Parliament to such a level, that the people were on the verge of an all out rebellion, but without the backing of any barons, being all bought for a price, it was down to the Order to instigate the protest. As the kingdom slipped into further decline the people needed to be reminded of what power they really possessed and of what power had been stolen from them. A new hype in tax by Parliament that Richard II was being blamed for was the straw that broke the camels back and the Order could use this to re-assert a memory for the people to remember.
At the time a man called Wat Tyler was very open in his views about Parliament and the monarchy and the strangle hold that was being placed upon the people through taxation. Throughout England Watt could not gain any support and had to turn to Cornwall to get the support he needed, although he did find support in England in the end.
In Cornwall at the time the Stannars (Cornish tin miners) were in up roar and on the point of striking over the amount of taxation they were paying, providing the monarch (Richard II) with a good majority of the money he was being forced to come up with to support what the church were demanding of him. The Order in Cornwall were helping raise tempers regarding this issue and the Cornish Stannars were ready to contest this.
Through the Order Wat Tyler was informed that the help he sought could be found in Cornwall and he travelled their to find that the Stannars were more than happy to help.
Wat was also informed of what was going on in Fleet and Marshalsea debtors prisons, that public dissection was being performed on debtors for the most minor of crimes. With the kingdoms economy flat lining the amount of debt was ever increasing and the capacity of the prisons was at breaking point and to correct this ever increasing situation Parliament authorised the use of public dissection to cure the problem. The medical institutions were also very heavily involved in this seeking knowledge of the human body and the effects of dissecting a human whilst they were still alive.
On his return from Cornwall Wat found he did have support after all after the Order drummed up support for him in London and surrounding cities. Even though the Order detested doing such things, they knew it had to be done to provide historical memories that could be used at a later date. At every opportunity possible the Order made it very obvious to everyone that what was happening did not need to happen, but regardless of this fact, everyone seemed happy to still trudge along the path of self destruction with the church at the helm. Nevertheless they still tried to install the concept of true kingship and what it would mean to everyone in entirety.
The protest started and many thousands turned up and Fleet prison was burnt down in the process. Many governmental buildings were damaged as the riots raged on. The Cornish Stannars marched up from Cornwall and the support they received along the way was very impressive and their numbers grew. They were met at Blackheath by the kings forces and they were basically massacred before they could even join Wat. The riots were quelled and the inevitable happened to Wat and key people within the protest movement. As always an example was made of them to quell any ideas about repeating the same, but the Order now had the Cornish exactly where they needed them and upset enough to be able to create something that would be buried in historical records forever, but not as buried as some may suggest.
After the massacre at Blackheath the Cornish Stannars, still being fuelled by the Order, were given by such, a way to strike fear into Parliament, the church and of course the king at the time Henry V.
The plantagenet's had fallen to the house of Lancaster and this was a warrior king who was hardened in the art of war at a very early age. Henry was just as harsh to his people and because enough money could not be sought from the people of England for the conquests he was carrying out on behalf of the church, as there wasn't any, he turned his attentions towards the Cornish Stannars. The king himself was only following the advice of his council, which as always, was made up of key members of the Order.
The demands of taxation Henry was now making upon the Stannars caused a backlash he could have never thought possible and the Stannars did no more but went on strike. The effect of this upon Henry was devastating, but not just upon the king, as Parliament and the church suffered monumental loses from the industry generating more trade then any other and of course more money, the commodity they so desperately needed.
The strike was not something that could be combatted against and even though it was suggested that they should use force against the Stannars to get them to go back to work, it was realised that this could cause a nation wide rebellion if the rest of the nation supported them and what they were doing and of course the reasons they were doing it for. The burden of taxation was a very sore subject to many and not just the working classes. A deal needed to be struck and quickly.
The Order suggested to the king that he must strike a deal outside the realms of Parliament and offer the Stannars a charter, something that Parliament could not legally stop him from doing as it fell outside the legal constraints he was bound by. They suggested using part of the prerogative powers he had left and even if Parliament did kick up a fuss, it would take them years to try and find a way to undo this without letting everyone know that they had in fact been a dictatorship since their conception, the sole reason for their conception. The story that had been told about them that they were their as representatives of the people to protect them against despotic kings was to be honest waring thin. They could not allow for anymore upsets until they finally had the Sovereignty for themselves. This is what the Order told the king and he said he would like to meet with the Stannars to strike a bargain with them.
The king himself travelled down to Truro and met with the Stannars. Flanked by the Order on both sides, the talks started and the king, under explicit directions from the Order made them an offer they could not refuse.
The deal was quite simple;
They were allowed to form their own Parliament in Truro called the Stannary Parliament that would have the right of vito over Westminster and in effect any statute passed by Westminster would only effect Cornwall if the Stannary Parliament accepted it.
All monies in taxation would only be paid to the Duchy of Lancaster and not to Westminster and Westminster would never be able to demand such under the charter.
They would be given 23 English counties plus Wales and the other 25 counties and Scotland would be separate from them. The Stannary Parliament would govern all 23 counties and Wales and would be seen as a separate kingdom, in effect a kingdom within a kingdom, as long as they did not call their Duke of Cornwall as their own king and they remained loyal to the English kings.
That all of this would be wrote into a charter by the name of The Great Charter of Lancaster signed by representatives of the Stannars and the king himself.
Subsequently the king had made a deal that was acceptable and everyone was happy with this, that is until Parliament found out what the king had done, but they were powerless to reverse this until new amendments could be made to the law to counter this arrangement.
With the deal in place the Duchy of Lancaster started to monopolise most of the countries money and in effect became the richest element within the two kingdoms, bar the Order of course who always got the biggest cut. The Stannary Parliament were placing vito's on Westminster's laws so under directions of the Order Westminster (Parliament) had to devise a way of limiting its powers till they could force the Stannary Parliament into none existence. Two were suggested and two were followed by the gullible ministers and this was not the first time such things had happened and wouldn't be the last.
The Order for many years had been using proving grounds to find those they needed for every aspect of what they were doing and were successfully achieving at every level. This proving ground would be known today as the Freemasons and was set up on the principles the original members of the Order of John had read in Akhenaten's book, using a very simple system to deduce true motives. Originally used only on tradesmen then shifting to include all levels of society and the positions within it. Although primarily it was to find those who would fully comprehend the nature of the Order, they then turned their attentions to those they could place in positions to aid transitions, though many of them didn't know they were doing this .
The initiates were put through three processes called degrees and each one had a completely different meaning to the other. The initiate was led to believe that they were selling something that in reality could not be sold or even proven to exist, but they bought the process hook, line and sinker because of the environment they were placed in. From that point they would be fast tracked, in both areas, if they met a criteria needed or just left to pay their dues. Generally after the first degree it was known whether they were suitable to move on to the next level, be delayed or they were of kind who could be told the truth. As the legal system was taking hold this was the ideal place to find the advocates needed to work within it as this was very important, as the way was to be legal in every aspect of the word.
It was suggested to Parliament in Westminster that the Stannary Parliament in Cornwall could be infiltrated by this group and coerce them into allowing these new members to take the helm. Within this process they could also fuel the separatists in an attempt to get the Cornish to try for separation from England. Whilst at the same time they could claim the lands of the Duke of Cornwall and also eradicate him from history . The final part was to destroy the house of Lancaster and its kings which would act as the final part of the eradication and direct the historians to write an alternate versions of the charter for the history books.
Under the Orders directions Parliament in Westminster did exactly as was suggested to them and over a period of time they controlled the Stannary Parliament, waged war against the Duke of Cornwall claiming his home the 'Mount' as their own and had revoked the charter. With English forces under direction of Westminster and the king, in Cornwall, the Stannars had no choice but to concede and not only pay the monarch directly, but also Westminster. The title the Duke of Cornwall was claimed by the English crown and any historical records regarding the Duke were erased, but the Cornish remembered, and it was all recorded by one family and handed down. The history regarding the charter was rewrote and the house of Lancaster fell to the house of York as three successive kings, by the same name, were punished for going against Parliament in Westminster.
The Order had achieved what they set out to do and another part of what they needed to be in place, was in place.
The Order at this time had Parliament under their full control from the shadows and started to put their attentions into the Tudors. Long had this Welsh house waited for power and that power went straight to Henry VIII head, directed, to once more show the strength of kingship. Through his greed and obsession over women Henry was particularly easy to control using his vices against him. The Order wanted to prove within historical records that a king of England could go against the might of the church and Henry turned out to be the ideal candidate, even though the church would again use this to their advantage, directed by the Order to do so, the memory was planted.
They were to create a separation that was actually an accumulation in monetary gains. Even though Henry was stealing lands from the church and handing them to those who were supporting him, he did not realise the church were in fact to earn more from the land by having someone to work it for them on their behalf. Henry consumed by this didn't realise his so called friends had already been bought by the Order on behalf of the church. Using his addiction and obsession against him Henry was played like a fool to once again give evidence of how a king should not act and the history books recorded it beautifully.
In the years that followed the house of Tudor resulted in Elizabeth I coming to the throne a twist that was deliberately set in place by the Order so they could finally achieve one king over both realms. Even though Elizabeth stood her ground she was easily coerced and relied upon her council more than any other monarch before her.
With Parliament getting even stronger it was important to now settle the succession once and for all with a line that could be easily manipulated so Parliament could be concentrated on. Even though it was plainly obvious to some what Parliament in Westminster was becoming, it still wasn't to most and the Order needed this time to play the monarch and Parliament off against each other so they could be seen for what they truly were and that history would reflect this.
This was a very important time and the church and opposing factions of it would have to been shown in true light and an attempt on the new king James life was to create this, even though the real targets were the 26 lord archbishops, even though they were never in danger.
The legal system was in reform again and the Order commissioned a new version of the book that would be its foundation and could be found in every place a court convened. The judiciary where already being led to believe in Parliamentary sovereignty through the Order and a new fear had to be re-established using the new version of the book, this was only to help the reformation along to achieve its ultimate goal, which was a re-formed legal system based on equity.
Part two to follow shortly.
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